A gift for the world sounds like a great 80’s tune. The point of Romans 4 is the Apostle Paul expanding on the concept he throws out just a couple verses earlier: For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart the works of the law.
Blessed are the peacemakers. That phrase has the most meaning after a time of war. Since Jesus was both God and man he could make peace between God and man.
Can we be friends again? The reality is that sometimes relationships in this life can be so completely damaged that they can’t be fixed. How does God restore relationships? Every sin that we commit doesn’t just hurt the people around us. Our sin first is an offense against our holy God. This Sunday we ask, “Lord, Increase our faith!” We will see how God works reconciliation.
Have you ever tried to make a U-turn? It’s not always easy to do depending on the situation around you. In conversion God calls us to make a 180 degree turn spiritually. This Sunday we looked at how God turns hearts around everyday by the power of his Spirit.