Followership – Armed for Battle

Followership – Armed for Battle is a calls the Christian to war.  This isn’t the war that requires the armed forces of the United States Military.  We are talking about spiritual warfare!

The battle site is Mt Carmel.  The opposing sides are two teams of prophets.  The plan was simple.  Each team was supposed to prepare a sacrifice.  The god that sent down fire to consume the sacrifice was the real God.

The Prophets of Baal

These were the best of the best.  Israel had all but left the God of the covenant.  They had gone after the pagan fertility god, Baal.  They thought that all they needed to do was to get Baal’s attention.  If they were able to do that, it was fire rain for sure!  But no matter what they did, Baal wouldn’t answer.  The prophet Elijah mocked his opponents by taunting them.  “Surely Baal is real!”  Maybe he was fishing, sleeping, or gone for a long walk.  The prophets of Baal started to cry out to Baal all the louder.  They cut themselves (gruesome) until their blood flowed.  Baal didn’t hear their prayers because Baal wasn’t real.  Baal was a false god who not only couldn’t start the sacrifice on fire – he couldn’t do anything!  For the sinner, the most important thing is forgiveness and peace.  Baal couldn’t offer either of these.

The Prophet of The Lord

In the other corner was the prophet Elijah.  Yes, you heard me right – this is just one guy.  This one guy prayed to the real God of heaven – the creator of the world.  When he did three years ago, it stopped raining.  The book of James comments on Elijah – he was just a righteous man who trusted in God.  He was righteous because God made him so.  The righteousness that God demands – God gives in Jesus.  The Lord is the Savior God.  But – back to the war.  Elijah said one little prayer, and fire started to rain!

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from 1 Kings 18, Followership – Armed for Battle.
