Followership – House and Home

Followership – House and Home goes into the mysterious relationship between a husband and a wife.  The basic building block of our society is a family – husband, wife and children.  Genesis 2 give us a picture of the perfect marriage.

Not Good To Be Alone

At the end of chapter one God said that his creation was very good – that it was perfect.  Let’s see how God made the perfect marriage.   18 The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” Just as “not good” could be misunderstood as kind of an understatement, when God said, I will make a helper suitable for him, don’t think God had in mind for Adam someone marginally acceptable.  What do you get for the perfect man?  The perfect woman.  There are some women today who do not appreciate the term helper.  This is what God calls himself.  The Holy Spirit is known as a helper.  And realize that men, still today need a lot of help.  Please understand God’s love and wisdom here.  As a helper suitable, Eve wasn’t identical to Adam – this is obvious.  The differences between the sexes aren’t a curse, but a wonderful blessing.  Men and women compliment each other perfectly.  There is a beautiful interdependence.

Our society – stained with sin doesn’t always see the beautiful relationship that exists between the sexes.  There is a movement to reject any differences between men and women.  I think part of why they do this because they reject God’s plan for everything in their lives.

How Are Men and Women Equal Before God?

God does see men and women equally.  We are equally sinful in his eyes – all of us.  And yet God loves all of us equally.  Jesus died for men and women to take those sins away and give us eternal life.  However God sees the differences in men and women, but instead of downplaying them or trying to erase them, he gave men and women different roles or jobs to do.  We can see these roles the clearest in marriage.  God thinks so much about these roles that he compares them to the relationship between Jesus our Savior and us the believers that make up the church. He says in Ephesians-  Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.  Wives, submit to your husbands, place yourselves under your husband because he loves you.

Our sexuality, the differences and similarities, our spiritual equality and the different roles are truly gifts from loving God.  Let’s see how these are a blessing to the first husband and wife.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from Genesis 2 Followership – House and Home.

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