Followership – Humble Servants

Followership – Humble Servants will consider the topic of greatness.  Consider greatness the other side of the humility coin.

Do What Now?

But they did not understand what he meant and were afraid to ask him about it.  Don’t we do the same with things that frighten or worry us?   Some one in your family has something wrong physically, maybe you, but even the thought of it scares you.  Instead of working through it, often people don’t talk about it and imagine it doesn’t exist – it’s easier not to talk about it.  They heard Jesus died and that dashed every false thought about their idea of earthly Messianic rule.  That’s why they didn’t even want to ask.  Jesus just laid out for them that the cross followed by the crown was the path to greatness.  They heard cross and probably didn’t get any further – die?  Why?  For what?  Think of the masses we could feed – think of the demons we can cast out – how glorious and great would that be?!

Stumbling Block and Foolishness

Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians – the cross is a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles (that’s us).  People do that with sin all the time – if I bring up a sin… maybe that person won’t like me.  We don’t like to make waves.  Jesus was truly great because he carried our cross and in his resurrection was given the crown that is ours.  We enjoy that greatness by faith not by live great lives.  We make that cross and crown our own by believing that Jesus is our Savior.  You are great because Jesus makes you great.  Jesus is great because he did what no one has ever done – lived a perfect life and then gave that perfection to us.  He took our sin with him to the cross and suffered our hell.  Foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.

The sources for what would Americans do for $10,000,000 came from James Patterson and Peter Kim, The Day America Told the Truth, 1991.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from the Gospel of Mark, Followership – Humble Servants.
