Get In The Boat

You need to get in the boat with Jesus.  I know that might comes across a little strong, but life is scary!  There are many things that can pull you under.  Let’s look at one example from out text.  The sea is calm.  Jesus raised his voice once and the creation all around obeyed.  Jesus is God, so what’s the problem?  The disciples were still scared!

I was sea sick once in my life – eight to ten foot swells was enough for me to loose everything I had eaten that day.  As soon as I stepped onto land I was great – hungry in fact.  I understand that there is a certain numbness that can take over when you’re afraid.  It doesn’t go away instantly.  When a small child awakens from a night terror, he needs a minute in his dad’s arms before he feels safe again.

The disciples confirm this in their response to Jesus.  They were terrified – and the question they ask – who is this? – can only have one answer.  It’s here that we have an answer to why.  Why indeed does our God allow heartache and trial into our lives?  Might it be to draw us closer to him?

When Jesus asks his disciples, Do you still have no faith?  He is NOT questioning their faith in him as the Messiah – the Savior of the world.  They have left everything and followed him for that very reason.  That’s why they’re in the boat – that’s why you’re in the boat too!  He forgives your sin.  Never doubt that.  That’s was your biggest problem, but now it’s in the rear view mirror.

When Jesus asks his disciples, Do you still have no faith?  He’s talking about the promises our God gives for protection and provision – we call it providence.  For those disciples, in that boat, on that day, Jesus had promised that they would be fishers of men, that wouldn’t have been possible if they went to the bottom of the Sea of Galilee.  Jesus is saying – guys why didn’t you believe me?  He’s not questioning their faith in him as the Messiah.  It’s the little things.  Consider it: why do we let the comparably little things in life drag us down when heaven is promised and guaranteed – the Spirit is our deposit!  It’s because we are weak.  We need Jesus.  He will never leave us.  Get in the boat with Jesus.  I know that the storm is scary.  Even the wind and waves obey him.

Please click HERE for a fantastic paper on faith and how it can be misunderstood.
