Gift of God – Substitute and Sacrifice is the theme for the first Sunday in the Christmas season. The reality of the incarnation confronts us today. Gone are the stable animals and the angel. Jesus is getting down to business already in the Gospel lesson – talking, at length, with the Jewish leaders in the temple. For our message we jumped into the Old Testament lesson, Isaiah 50. Consider this verse…
9 It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.
Who will condemn me?
They will all wear out like a garment;
the moths will eat them up.
Jesus Broke the Lamp
If you have siblings you know what it’s like. Everyone is playing a friendly game of tag in the house. After a few minutes bodies fly around the house and a lamp breaks. Who did it? Maybe you were the one who knocked it off, but you were pushed by your brother. When confronted by your parents, will you…
- A) take the blame or
- B) pass the buck?
Jesus took the blame. He was falsely accused by the Jewish leaders in the Sanhedrin. He was falsely condemned by Pontius Pilate. No one could prove Jesus guilty of sin, because he was perfect. In fact Jesus challenged the Jews – John 8 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? Where did Jesus look for help – did he dig deep and find the strength from within? Did he turn to drugs, alcohol, or anything other substance that would remove him from reality? Was he able to confide in a good friend who never left his side? No. It is the Sovereign LORD who helps me. Jesus was innocent of all the charges against him and to prove it, God raised Jesus from the dead.
You’re Innocent
The real wonder is that Jesus gives his innocence to us. Listen to Romans 8 – Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he that condemns? Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Go back to the lamp. Who broke it? You both did. You both are responsible for its destruction, but Jesus will pay for it. Satan will run to God, and accuse you of everything you have done – and of some things you didn’t. Jesus answers, I paid for those. Pastor Fred’s guilt is gone, and so is yours.
Want to hear more? Watch this week’s message taken from Isaiah 50, Gift of God – Substitute and Sacrifice.
Book(s): Isaiah
Series: The Gift of God
Tag(s): Christmas
Speaker(s): Fred Guldberg