Meaningful Ministry – A Shepherd’s Compassion

Meaningful Ministry – A Shepherd’s Compassion is the third message in our series on the public ministry.  Jesus is our Good Shepherd.  He sends pastors and teachers out as his public ministers of the gospel, but he use all of the members of his church too.

Do you know anyone who sees no reason to join or attend a church?  It’s true, you don’t need to join a church to get to heaven, but sheep are not meant to be alone.  A lone sheep in the pasture is easy prey for the devil, the roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

I’ve heard people say that they have a personal relationship with Jesus.  They don’t need a shepherd or anyone else to tell them they’re forgiven.  What they don’t understand is Christianity isn’t really that personal.  When I’m on the golf course, ok let’s get real, when I’m on the water and the sun comes over the horizon and I feel as though I could walk the colors right up to heaven, into God, of course I can’t.

God’s Word comes from outside me and tells me I’m guilty even when I don’t feel guilty, AND more importantly it tells me I’m forgiven even when I don’t feel forgiven.  The Bible says that when our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts.  Only in God’s word will you hear there is no condemnation.  Only in the waters of baptism can we be buried with Christ to rise again.  Only in the bread and wine of the Sacrament do we receive Jesus’ body and blood given and shed for you.  When we can’t raise ourselves to God in religious feeling or pious life, God comes down to us in Word and sacrament.

I myself will gather the remnant of my flock out of all the countries where I have driven them and will bring them back to their pasture, where they will be fruitful and increase in number.  Assurance of the peace with God becomes a very weak thing when I try to work it up within myself.  But Christ is strong in the Word of God that comes through a Christian brother or a sister.  If you know of a sheep all by his or herself, pray about it this week and encourage that person.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from our summer sermon series, Meaningful Ministry – A Shepherd’s Compassion.
