Meaningful Ministry – Sent With God’s Authority

Meaningful Ministry – Sent With God’s Authority is the second in our summer sermon series on your interaction with the world.  Last week we saw how not everyone will love what our God has to say.  This week we’ll see that we speak with the authority of our God.

Let’s pick up with verse 10.  Then Amaziah the priest of Bethel sent a message to Jeroboam king of Israel: “Amos is raising a conspiracy against you in the very heart of Israel. The land cannot bear all his words. 11 For this is what Amos is saying: “‘Jeroboam will die by the sword, and Israel will surely go into exile, away from their native land.’” There isn’t a lot of good news in the book of Amos.  Israel was almost totally gone by this point.  The prophecies of destruction would come true.

One of the priests of these false gods gets wind of one of his prophecies.

  • Predicting death to the king is bad.
  • Predicting that the nation will be exiled is worse.

The first thing this priest of false gods does is to go for air cover and to run one of Amos’ messages up the food chain to the king.  This is actually Jeroboam II, not to be confused with his dad who originally set up the 10 northern tribes as the kingdom of Israel.

Next Sunday we start a new Bible study before church.  If you’re watching online you can join us too via Zoom!  We’ll jump into the Chosen Season 4.  We don’t watch the episode to follow the story – I don’t really care about that.  What we do is take little clips that point to a Bible story and then compare it to God’s words.  The first three seasons have been well received; we’re starting season 4 next Sunday.  I tell you this because the first episode was about John the Baptist losing his head.  He walked into King Herod’s court and called him out for marrying his brother’s wife.  Do you think he stopped and wondered is this a good idea?

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from Amos 7 – Meaningful Ministry – Sent With God’s Authority.

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