Open Door Policy – David and Goliath is the second message from our Lenten series. The first Sunday in Lent is a call to action against temptation. Normally in a family everyone must do their part. . . pitch in. . . pull their weight. In God’s family, he assigns and accepts the work of one on behalf of all. In God’s house, God’s Son—our brother, Jesus—stands alone on the field of battle against our enemies in our place. He fights vicariously. He fights victoriously. This week we see one man, Jesus Christ, stand against Satan. We simply sit and watch with eyes full of wonder and repentant faith. Because Christ fought that battle as one of us, he won that battle for all of us. The door to heaven stands wide open for those who believe in him. In our message we heard from three people who watch the story of David and Goliath unfold before their very eyes – King Saul, David, and the footman Israelite.
The Shepherd Boy
Did you see the battle field? It was pretty intense. At any moment the Philistines would attack, but they aren’t. They just want to taunt us. I’m tired of it. You should know something about me, not too long ago I was anointed king over Israel.
I do not understand why everyone is so afraid of that oaf. Goliath? Yes, I know that he’s a big guy. I can take him. I’ve done it before. What’s the job of most teens these days? Flipping burgers? Cutting grass? I had to watch the sheep. I know what you’re thinking – boring. But it’s not. Sheep are the chicken nuggets of the animal kingdom. You would not believe the wolves, lions, and bears that want to take one off and run. This is where the job gets interesting. I’ve killed a lion and a bear. Job #1 is to rescue the sheep. When the lion or bear turns on you, you kill it. I didn’t do it with my bare hands, I had a staff. That uncircumcised fellow can’t be any harder than a lion or a bear.
Sticks and Stones
Saul wants me to wear the armor. I know that you’ve seen pictures that look this. That’s not me. I’m young, but I’m not skin and bone. I could have worn the armor, but it’s really heavy, I don’t think I need them. The goal is to NOT get hit in the first place. I’m just going to hit the stream up for a few stones and then go see what Goliath wants for lunch. The battle is the Lord’s. Goliath doesn’t stand a chance.
Want to hear more? Watch this week’s message taken from 1 Samuel 17 – Open Door Policy – David and Goliath.
Topic(s): Lent
Book(s): 1 Samuel
Series: Open Door Policy
Tag(s): Lent
Speaker(s): Fred Guldberg