Define Christian – Seek Spiritual Wealth can be difficult to understand. For so many people in America, money makes the world go round. For the Christian, that simply isn’t the case.
Define Christian – Wheat Among Weeds
Define Christian – Wheat Among Weeds is a reality check for the Christian. We don’t live in a perfect world. There are people around us who don’t share our faith, how can we interact with them?
Define Christian – Planted by the Word
Define Christian – Planted by the Word takes us to how the Christian is fed and nourished. It’s all through the Word.
Define Christian – Rest in Jesus
Define Christian – Rest in Jesus is the second sermon in our summer series. How do you like to get your rest?
Define Christian – Above All
Define Christian – Above All takes us into the first part in our new summer sermon series. Ask ten people what is a Christian and you very well might get ten different answers. Not all of those answers will be positive either. So who do you believe?
The Holy Ministry – Persecution
The Holy Ministry – Persecution looks rough. Knowing that a life of temptation and hardship awaits the Christian doesn’t sound very appealing. What kind of motivation would move someone to sacrifice his or her life?