The Bread of Life – Spiritual Food for Those Focused on the Earthly is the first in our new series that plows through the Bread of Life discourse from John 6.
Do not work for food that spoils, food that fills you up the night before, and then the next day leaves you hungry for breakfast. Last week we talked about the earthly needs that we have and how God meets those needs perfectly for each of us even with extra leftovers. Here Jesus directs the crowd to the spiritual needs that must be met.
Right away Jesus makes the comparison –the food that spoils or doesn’t last is the food you work for. Food that endures to eternal life, Jesus gives. The people miss this completely, 28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”
Fast food is not necessarily good for us, but it’s a part of American life. There was a woman at a sister church who would go through the drive through line and when she paid, she would also pay the bill of the car behind her. One day after she did this, her food wasn’t quite ready so she had to park and wait for an attendant to run the food out. When the car behind her came up to pay she could see the man arguing with the girl at the window, insisting that he had to pay for the food. After all who would pay for him? There is no such thing as a free lunch. Jesus you’re talking about food that lasts forever, sounds like a good deal to us, what must we do to do the works God requires? How about the Ten Commandments? Thou shall and thou shalt not. When you do anything, the smallest act for getting yourself to heaven, you are sitting in the drive through trying to pay when Jesus went ahead of you and already paid your bill 2000 years ago on the cross.
Want to hear more? Including the best way to cross a sheet of ice – watch this week’s message, the first in our series The Bread of Life – Spiritual Food for Those Focused on the Earthly.
Book(s): John
Series: I Am The Bread of Life
Tag(s): Son of God
Speaker(s): Fred Guldberg