WELS Missions – Hispanic Outreach

WELS Missions – Hispanic Outreach is a special Sunday for us.  Missionary Tim Flunker was our guest preacher and worship leader.  He was the son of a WELS missionary to Puerto Rico.  After he became a pastor in our church body he took a call to serve a mission in Mexico City.  It was during that time that he refined his work with Spanish speakers.  He developed techniques to teach Spanish speakers how to communicate in English clearer.  This opened many doors for the Gospel of Jesus.  Even though the vast majority of Latin America claims to be Catholic, there is little understanding of basic doctrines of Christianity.

For example, in many Hispanic homes the doctrine of the trinity is confused.  God the Father is too scary to speak to.  Jesus is distant.  The Holy Spirit isn’t understood either.  That is why many go through mom.  The Virgin Mary holds a prominent place the culture of Hispanics.  I witnessed this first hand coaching young Hispanics in Winston Salem community soccer leagues more than a decade ago.  Kids wearing a bracelet or necklace picture of the Virgin Mary did not want to remove the jewelry for any reason.

There are many churches that work with Hispanic families.  Not all of the methods of these churches communicates the truth of God’s Word.  There was one Lutheran church that built a small shrine to the Virgin of Guadalupe.  This was used as a bait and switch tactic to get Hispanics in the door and then point them only to Jesus.

Far better to work through sin and grace, to show Hispanics that they are guilty before a Holy God, and then that Jesus takes that sin away.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message from WELS Mission Counselor Timothy Flunker, WELS Missions – Hispanic Outreach.
