Meaningful Ministry – God Meets Our Needs is a great way to consider what we have. We are SO focused on our own needs and wants that we have no time for our neighbor. Our God meets all of our needs so that we can meet the needs of our neighbor.
Meaningful Ministry – A Shepherd’s Compassion is the third message in our series on the public ministry. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. He sends pastors and teachers out as his public ministers of the gospel, but he use all of the members of his church too.
Meaningful Ministry – Sent With God’s Authority is the second in our summer sermon series on your interaction with the world. Last week we saw how not everyone will love what our God has to say. This week we’ll see that we speak with the authority of our God.
eaningful Ministry – Rejection and Resentment sounds like a rough way to start a new sermon series, but that is the lot of the Christian who wants to minister to the people in his or her life.