He Lives to Restore My Hope is an important theme. Hope is a necessary thing these days. If you watch the news with any frequency you can start to lose hope in a hurry.
He lives to bring me peace! That is the cry of the Christian on this Doubting Thomas Sunday. The second Sunday of the Easter season is a redo of everything that happened the week before. This Sunday is all about peace.
A greater type of king is what we need! This is the last of our Greatest Needs series during the season on Lent. A king, you might ask? Yes, you need a king.
Life for the dead isn’t just physical life for dead people. To be sure that is a reality in the kingdom of God. The lessons from today both talk about dead people coming back to life!
Sight for the blind is more than a pair of glasses or contacts. I’ve recently spoken with people who have had cataracts removed from and new lenses implanted in their eyes. It’s amazing!