On Sunday we closed out our Easter sermon series – Resurrection Reality – Really Living. The prophet Ezekiel is shown a vision of a valley full of dry bones. These are not people who are mostly dead. They are completely spiritually dead!
He Lives to Pour Out His Spirit
By pouring out his Holy Spirit, Christ empowered the Church to gather in the great harvest of souls won by the Son. We close out our Easter sermon series on Sunday: He Lives to Pour Out His Spirit!
Should I Stay or Go
Should we stay or go? That is the question the people of the world wrestled with shortly after the flood. They settled on staying, against God’s wishes for the purpose of making a name for themselves. Our love God confused their languages and they scattered across the world. This language barrier was undone on that first Pentecost that started the New Testament church. That harvest festival continues today as we share God’s word with anyone who will listen.
Harvest of Souls
The sound of a rushing wind got everyone’s attention. This was going to be a big day. With God doing the marketing for his New Testament Church there was sure to be a crowd! God’s Spirit was on full display.
Golfing with Jesus
The harvest festival of Pentecost was not a new concept to God’s people. Every year they would come in from the fields with their first fruits and offer them to God. This was a statement of thanks and a statement of faith. Thanks for the harvest that they already had and a statement of faith that God would continue to give them more as the harvest continued. That festival marked the birth of the New Testament church. What a harvest it has been! God continues the harvest of souls for his kingdom through you and me.