Focused on Prayer

In a sense, prayer comes naturally to us. We want so we ask. We hurt so we cry out. We are frustrated so we vent. We are blessed so we give thanks. So we sometimes define prayer as “speaking to God from the heart.” Seems so easy. What does not come naturally, however, is the focused prayer God wants for us.

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Come to the Banquet

Come to the banquet and eat! Wisdom is holding a banquet and you’re invited. This Sunday we’ll dig into the book of Proverbs to see how these words from Solomon can change your life.

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From Many One

God has made his Christian church one, but it sure doesn’t look that way! This Sunday we’ll see how God’s church is a powerful force for good in the world, but that isn’t the church’s main purpose. It is through the church that the world will meet Jesus.

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Big Changes

There are some BIG changes coming up in our worship this Sunday. God will be doing the heavy lifting in the hearts of people everywhere who hear his word.

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Unseen Assets

We walk by faith and not by sight. The world around us screams messages of temptation, hate, and despair. Our God whispers peace, love, and joy. We celebrated the vision of faith shared by two young members of our congregation on this Confirmation Sunday.

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Shrimp for Dinner

Can we eat shrimp? What about lobster? There are many laws in the Old Testament that Christians don’t follow. Why is that? The most obvious one is the Sabbath Day. We’ll see that Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath.

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