Define Christian – Rest in Jesus is the second sermon in our summer series. How do you like to get your rest?

Define Christian – Rest in Jesus is the second sermon in our summer series. How do you like to get your rest?
Define Christian – Above All takes us into the first part in our new summer sermon series. Ask ten people what is a Christian and you very well might get ten different answers. Not all of those answers will be positive either. So who do you believe?
The Holy Ministry – Persecution looks rough. Knowing that a life of temptation and hardship awaits the Christian doesn’t sound very appealing. What kind of motivation would move someone to sacrifice his or her life?
The Holy Ministry – Compassion is a wake up call. It was the time when the disciples became Apostles. They went from being the students in the seat to the preachers on the streets! What does that look like for us? I think it’s helpful for us to see our audience. There was work to do!
We are all sinners because of the one trespass of Adam. When did that hit him like a ton of bricks? Was it when an angel kicked him and his wife out of Paradise? Maybe it was when his one of his sons killed the other. The curse of sin carries on even today, but so does the promise. Jesus is the promised Savior. We get to be his messengers of hope and forgiveness! The is the first Sunday that we will consider the Holy Ministry.
The Trinity in Action is what we see at creation. That’s not the only time God is working for us. So often, life gets hard; we get frustrated. Let it be enough to know that all three persons—Father, Son, and Spirit—love us with an everlasting love.