Blessed are the peacemakers. That phrase has the most meaning after a time of war. Since Jesus was both God and man he could make peace between God and man.

Blessed are the peacemakers. That phrase has the most meaning after a time of war. Since Jesus was both God and man he could make peace between God and man.
Show me your identification, please. These words from law enforcement might send a chill down your spine. However, showing your ID doesn’t have to be a negative thing! In our text from Matthew 11 John the Baptist was asking Jesus for some ID.
Come see the trees! Can you smell Christmas? Part of what gives the season meaning and power are the memories and traditions that we have burned into our memories from childhood. Smells are a big part of that! Like the smell of a freshly cut evergreen.
Come and see the mountain! Now you might be thinking – this is all happening too fast! This morning did you open up your bulletin and think, is it Advent already? It isn’t even December yet!
Watch and wait! That is the cry throughout the ages, throughout the pages of Scripture, and that cry still goes out from pulpits across Christendom. It is the final Sunday of the church year. We end with an eye to the sky as we await the return of our Lord in glory. But that topic – watch and wait – isn’t a great one.
This is the time to remember those who have gone before us. They are not gone. Those who dies in Christ are alive! Wipe those tears away.