VICTORIOUS Over Blindness

Navigating life blind poses a plethora of challenges that the sighted do not face. This is why Scripture often uses the concept of blindness as a metaphor for how hard it is to navigate life without a correct understanding of Christ. Spiritual sight gives us the ability to see who holds our future in his hands and who is worth our eternal worship.

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Sunday we looked once more at the victorious march of the church through the centuries.  The difference this time is that we see Jesus stop and wait for Thomas to catch up.  How great is the mercy of our God! 

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Life is VICTORIOUS over death on this Easter Sunday.  That’s a big statement. Easter is the day we celebrate Jesus breaking the grave.  It doesn’t work anymore.  All the dead will rise from the grave one day. 

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A Day of Praise

It is a day of praise! Hosanna to the Son of David! On Palm Sunday the crowds of people lined the road to lay down their palm branches that Jesus might ride in like the King he truly is.

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Old Victories CRUSHED

What?  Old victories CRUSHED?!  Why?  The nation of Israel was finally free.  They were leaving Egypt, actually they were being expelled with money in their pockets!

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