All Things Well

Jesus has done all things well. He doesn’t make accommodations for our sin and guilt, he paid for them when he died on the cross.

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Soldiers of the Cross

Did you know that you are in a life and death struggle? Every day the devil attacks your soul with one temptation after another. This Sunday we looked at how our God protects us from these attacks. Put on the full armor of God.

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The Only Bread of Life

The Bread of Life discourse from John 6 doesn’t end well to our eyes for Jesus. Many walk away. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Join us this Sunday as we close out the series of Gospel readings with a message – Only Jesus is the Bread of Life.

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Come to the Banquet

Come to the banquet and eat! Wisdom is holding a banquet and you’re invited. This Sunday we’ll dig into the book of Proverbs to see how these words from Solomon can change your life.

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Fixing the Broken

Get along! The Apostle Paul continues with his letter to the church in Ephesus. He lists off the dos and don’ts that reflects the Christian life, but we truly sets the Christian apart is the ability to forgive, quickly, freely, completely.

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Manna From Heaven

Manna from heaven everyday.  If you grew up in the wilderness for the first forty years of your life, you wouldn’t know anything different.  Many people have tried to imagine what manna could have been had God chosen to use natural means. 

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