Everyone loves a well seasoned entrée prepared by a professional trained in the culinary arts. This Sunday we’ll see how Jesus prepares his people to be salty. Christians impact our world in powerful ways.

Everyone loves a well seasoned entrée prepared by a professional trained in the culinary arts. This Sunday we’ll see how Jesus prepares his people to be salty. Christians impact our world in powerful ways.
The first must be last. That sounds fine on paper, but I work really hard. Why should I take a back seat to someone less deserving than me?! How can we balance out being confident in the gifts God has given us and still give God all the glory? It’s hard to be humble.
How heavy is your cross? Jesus calls us to pick up our cross and follow him. We’ll look at the ministry of the Prophet Jeremiah. If being thrown into a pit sounds bad, there is even something worse.
Jesus has done all things well. He doesn’t make accommodations for our sin and guilt, he paid for them when he died on the cross.
Did you know that you are in a life and death struggle? Every day the devil attacks your soul with one temptation after another. This Sunday we looked at how our God protects us from these attacks. Put on the full armor of God.
The Bread of Life discourse from John 6 doesn’t end well to our eyes for Jesus. Many walk away. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Join us this Sunday as we close out the series of Gospel readings with a message – Only Jesus is the Bread of Life.