Holy, Holy, Holy! One God – Three Persons. The truth of the Trinity has confounded reason and logic for millennia. It is for this reason the Christian Church has celebrated Trinity Sunday.

Holy, Holy, Holy! One God – Three Persons. The truth of the Trinity has confounded reason and logic for millennia. It is for this reason the Christian Church has celebrated Trinity Sunday.
The sound of a rushing wind got everyone’s attention. This was going to be a big day. With God doing the marketing for his New Testament Church there was sure to be a crowd! God’s Spirit was on full display.
“Hail the day that see him rise!” In the historical church there were three high festivals of the church year. Christmas – the birth of our king. Easter – the resurrection of our king. Ascension – the coronation of our king. Join us as we worship our king who rules all things for the good of his church.
Today we celebrate moms! God accomplishes so many blessings through our mothers. In our message we will go back in time to an ancient church that faced a death. When Jesus rose from the dead he didn’t stop all death; he took away the sting. Today we’ll look at what it means that death has lost it’s sting. We have No Fear of Death.
Our God is the Vine; we are the branches. To remain fruitful in life we need to stay connected to him. A large part of that is connecting others to the Vine as well. This week we take a trip to Philippi, a Roman colony in the ancient world to see the Apostle Paul in action.
I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” Jesus is our Good Shepherd and we find protection and provision under his care. Because of Easter, there is No Fear under the Good Shepherd.