The Bread of Life – Gives Wisdom and Life

The Bread of Life – Gives Wisdom and Life is the second sermon in our series on the Bread of Life discourse from the Gospel of john.

If you are new to our this sermon series as the crowds gathered to hear the words of our text, the people were mindful that Jesus had just fed well over ten thousand people with five loaves of bread and two small fishes.  They wanted to know too, what is God’s will?  Just prior to our text in John 6:28 They asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?  It is my prayer that as we look at our text we’ll hear Jesus answer and be able to say without a shred of doubt – Deus Vult – I know what God’s will is!

But before we go much further we need to talk about the hidden and the revealed will of God.  The hidden will of God cannot be seen.  There are many things that God wants for you but that he refuses to tell you.  The Bible will never tell you what stock to buy, who you should marry, what job to take, or where to live.  He won’t pick your vacation, your child’s school district or your what’s on your plate for dinner.  God does give you guiding principles, such as don’t take a job that is inherently sinful – drug lord, working in the world’s oldest profession, or being an assassin for hire.  While God’s will may be hidden in this areas – there most likely will not be dreams, or anything divine that makes the choice obvious for you, he does give us wisdom to make God’s pleasing choices.  We just spent the last seven weeks talking about this with voting – vote your conscience!

There are some people who try to figure out what God’s hidden will may be.  But God keeps much of his will hidden for our good.  You and I would be walking basket cases if we knew the day of our next illness or accident – not to mention the day of our death.  We wouldn’t accomplish anything!  God hides his will from us for our good.  He asks us to trust him instead.

Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from John 6 – The Bread of Life – Gives Wisdom and Life.

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