A Savior for All Nations

A savior for all nations?  Yes, it’s true!  The wise men were excited!  The Bible expresses this. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.  Look!  The star!  As stars shine brightest against a black sky, so we experience the greatest joy against the sorrow that may come in our lives. 

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Resurrection Revealed

How is the resurrection revealed?  This is the season of Epiphany after all.  For the past six weeks we’ve seen Jesus reveal his power through one miracle after another.  This Sunday we see that he is revealed as God on the pages of Scripture.  The Gospel of Luke shows that perfectly with the Beatitudes. 

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Turn Around

Have you ever tried to make a U-turn? It’s not always easy to do depending on the situation around you. In conversion God calls us to make a 180 degree turn spiritually. This Sunday we looked at how God turns hearts around everyday by the power of his Spirit. 

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Back to Church

We’re going back to church! Attending worship can be an intimidating thing! Jesus had been to public worship his whole life, but this Sunday was different. He would be leading worship. We’ll look at what it’s like to enter God’s house. He is happy that you are there!

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