Can you repent now? That’s a loaded question, isn’t it. It assumes that 1) you’re sinful. 2) That you want to repent in the first place.

Can you repent now? That’s a loaded question, isn’t it. It assumes that 1) you’re sinful. 2) That you want to repent in the first place.
Good Friday marks the final day of the season of Lent. In this last word from the cross we see that Jesus spoke a word of trust.
“Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!” This Sunday join your voice to those on the pages of Scripture as we enter Holy Week welcoming Jesus as our king, gentle and humble.
Plaque on kitchen wall said, “The three most important words ever spoken: ‘It is finished.’” The three most important words spoken? Not exactly. As recorded in the Greek of St. John’s gospel, our Lord’s sixth word from the cross is not three, but one: tetelestai.
“I have needs too, you know.” These are words that punctuate an argument. You say them with tears streaming down your face. Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” Did he say it with tears of exhaustion? Was he telling the world and his Father that he would take no more? Suffer no more? Was he demanding at least a tiny bit of relief? Let’s find out. This Sunday we study John 19:28, the fifth word that Jesus spoke from the cross. He spoke a word of need.
“God forsaken of God who can understand it?” When Luther remarked on the complete isolation of our Lord Jesus as he hung on the cross, he struck a nerve. No one can possibly understand this because Jesus is the only one on this side of the grave who had experienced it. Because Jesus has, we never will.