He Lives and Calls Me to Live for Him

He Lives and Calls Me to Live for Him might be a tough theme to put your finger on.  You can take this in any direction.  First I want you to walk in Paul’s shoes for a few moments as he strolled down the boulevard in ancient Athens.  

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He Lives to Be My Cornerstone

You are living stone built into God’s house, the church! All of you fit perfectly. That’s no by chance; it’s by design. Don’t be mistaken! Just because you’re a living stone in the wall doesn’t mean you get to sit there and do nothing. You have spiritual acts of worship to do! This is your daily life.

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He Lives to Bring Me Peace

He lives to bring me peace!  That is the cry of the Christian on this Doubting Thomas Sunday.  The second Sunday of the Easter season is a redo of everything that happened the week before.  This Sunday is all about peace. 

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