Jesus Left Us

What do you do when your plans fall through? We’ve been asking this question all Easter! By the grace of God he opens our hearts to hear his words. This Sunday we celebrate the coronation of our king! It’s Ascension Sunday. We will join our voices to the disciples in praise.

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How to Live

How to live – that is the question.  I have to ask you – have you ever seen death?  Our society is quarantined off from death for the most part.  Death is something that happens in the hospital or maybe in a hospice setting. Because of Easter life is more certain!

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When Our Hearts Are Troubled

This Sunday we’ll answer the question, “What do we do when our hearts are troubled?” The takes takes us to the night that Jesus was betrayed. That might seem like quite the jump, but his words of comfort to his disciples are all the more sure now that we live in the reality of Easter. He lives!

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Sheep Listen

Do sheep listen?  I don’t know much about sheep, but nine months into dog ownership and I can tell you that they don’t always listen.  In fact, I’m convinced that my dog hears what I’m saying, comprehends what I want, but he still refuses to do what I say simply because he is unwilling.  I’m told that sheep don’t always listen either, but before I start in on a rant on white woolly animals, I should confess my own selective hearing issues.  Yes, I don’t listen at times too. 

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Go for a Walk

What do you do when your plans fall through? That’s a question for our Easter sermon series and that the disciples were asking themselves on that first Easter. Slowly the reality of the Gospel hit them. This Sunday we’ll ask this question: …when all we can do is go for a walk? Two disciples were walking on the road to a small town called Emaus. Another traveler opened up the Scriptures to them. This was Jesus.

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When Locked In A Room

This Sunday we start a new Easter sermon series – What do we do if our plans fall though? Not everything goes according to our plans. This was true in Jesus day as well. Our first sermon will be When we’re locked in a room. After a month of lock down, you may have some questions too!

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