Easter means no fear! What are a few your biggest fears? As get to the top of the list, death is usually one of the items. Death of a loved one, your own death… Easter changes everything, yes, even taking away the fear of death. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection.
Resurrection Proof
Christ the King is the one who is in charge of everything. This can be difficult to see at times because his kingdom is not of this world. Even though this is true, it doesn’t mean that he has no control. Jesus controls all things for the good of his church. One day he will end this world and, finally, every knee will bow before the King of Kings.
United In Christ
We spend a lot of time talking about the differences and divisions that can arise in the church and in the home, but I wanted to take a little time to talk about how our church body seeks out like-minded Christians. This comes into the area of fellowship.
Grace and Peace
“Grace and peace to you!” I’ve said these words so many times in my life that when I’m testing a mic they replace – “testing, one, two, three, testing.” I start every sermon with these words too. When the Apostle Paul wrote “Grace and peace!” to the Christians in Corinth, was he just offering a cordial greeting? Or was he laying the stage for a powerful letter to God’s people full of God’s love and the new reality God’s people enjoy because of that love?