Resurrection Reality – Ascension

Resurrection Reality – Ascension
Sight for the blind is more than a pair of glasses or contacts. I’ve recently spoken with people who have had cataracts removed from and new lenses implanted in their eyes. It’s amazing!
It’s the festival of Epiphany! The wise men followed the Star of Bethlehem to the Christ-child. You are the star that leads a loved one to the Christ-child. He’s waiting today in the Bible.
The family is the basic building block of society. A family begins when God joins a man and a woman together in marriage. But what roll do children play in the life a family. We’ll spend some time with the kids and talk about how a child can help!
Did you know that you are in a life and death struggle? Every day the devil attacks your soul with one temptation after another. This Sunday we looked at how our God protects us from these attacks. Put on the full armor of God.
God has made his Christian church one, but it sure doesn’t look that way! This Sunday we’ll see how God’s church is a powerful force for good in the world, but that isn’t the church’s main purpose. It is through the church that the world will meet Jesus.