Veiled Gospel

The veiled gospel that the Apostle Paul was talking about isn’t difficult to find or understand.  It is veiled by the god of this world – the devil.  There are many different angles of attack for him.  In our message this Sunday we looked at the causes of spiritual blindness and how God reveals the light of salvation.

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Resurrection Revealed

How is the resurrection revealed?  This is the season of Epiphany after all.  For the past six weeks we’ve seen Jesus reveal his power through one miracle after another.  This Sunday we see that he is revealed as God on the pages of Scripture.  The Gospel of Luke shows that perfectly with the Beatitudes. 

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Share the Love

How do you share the love?  Tis the end of the season – the season of engagement.  There is a very specific kind of love being shared.  From Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day 40% of all couple get engaged.

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Turn Around

Have you ever tried to make a U-turn? It’s not always easy to do depending on the situation around you. In conversion God calls us to make a 180 degree turn spiritually. This Sunday we looked at how God turns hearts around everyday by the power of his Spirit. 

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Back to Church

We’re going back to church! Attending worship can be an intimidating thing! Jesus had been to public worship his whole life, but this Sunday was different. He would be leading worship. We’ll look at what it’s like to enter God’s house. He is happy that you are there!

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Water to Wine

Changing water into wine doesn’t seem like it would be all that important. There was just a volcano last week that causes huge floods in the pacific rim. There are sick people and disease in the world too! War and military conflict continues around the world today. Why did Jesus take time out for this small miracle? In this message we explore the heart and power of our God.

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