He Lives to Bring Me Peace

He lives to bring me peace!  That is the cry of the Christian on this Doubting Thomas Sunday.  The second Sunday of the Easter season is a redo of everything that happened the week before.  This Sunday is all about peace. 

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A Greater Type of King

A greater type of king is what we need!  This is the last of our Greatest Needs series during the season on Lent.  A king, you might ask?  Yes, you need a king.

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Life for the Dead

Life for the dead isn’t just physical life for dead people.  To be sure that is a reality in the kingdom of God.  The lessons from today both talk about dead people coming back to life! 

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Sight for the Blind

Sight for the blind is more than a pair of glasses or contacts.  I’ve recently spoken with people who have had cataracts removed from and new lenses implanted in their eyes. It’s amazing!

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Water for the Thirsty

Water for the thirsty sounds like a rescue mission in the middle of the wilderness.  Drinking water is ubiquitous in the Western world.  Spiritual water is not.  Consider Jesus’ comments to the woman at the well.

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