A common misconception is that Christians don’t get depressed … or at least they shouldn’t get depressed. Saying depressions shouldn’t happen only serves to make God’s people – who already feel guilty and weak – even more guilty and weak. Christians do suffer from depression. The Lord has a message for you in your depression. The Lord removes your guilt. This Sunday marks the start of the Advent season, a time of preparation before our Christmas celebration.
Resurrection Proof
Christ the King is the one who is in charge of everything. This can be difficult to see at times because his kingdom is not of this world. Even though this is true, it doesn’t mean that he has no control. Jesus controls all things for the good of his church. One day he will end this world and, finally, every knee will bow before the King of Kings.
Sleep in Jesus
“Jerusalem the Golden – with milk and honey blessed!” Feeling weary and oppressed? Can we ever comprehend what joys await us beyond the pearly gates? This Sunday – Saints Triumphant Sunday – we take time to ponder all that is heaven. In our message we’ll find that death means you’re only asleep in Jesus.
Day of Destruction
Are you looking forward to the end of the world? That might not sound like a great way to start your week, but God’s take on the end of the world is a great source of comfort for the Christian. Do you see the injustice in the world? God does too! Do you see the crippling effects of sin in the world? Of course, God sees the suffering. We learn from Scripture that creation groans under the weight of sin. Come this Sunday to hear God’s rescue plan. Because when God ends the world, he will take us home to heaven.
Reformation Stand
“Lord, keep us steadfast in your word!” The Reformation of the Christian church has been rated in the top five events in the history of the world because of the impact it has had on society. The spiritual reformation was even more profound. Christians could once more hear the truth that Jesus’ forgiveness was free for all.
Money in the Vineyard
This Sunday we’ll see that nothing in the vineyard of our Lord truly belongs to us. Our God is letting us use the gifts he’s given us for his glory. At any time he can ask for those gifts back. One of those gifts is money. There are a few places that our money must go – the government and our God are two of those places that Jesus will address this Sunday. We close out our series In the Vineyard this Sunday as we talk about financial stewardship.