Jailer of Philippi

The waters of the Jordan washed over Jesus as John baptized him. Those same waters of baptism washed over the jailers family in ancient Philippi. Still today the waters of baptism flow in churches around the world. In Jesus the Father is well pleased with all of us.

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Next of Kin

Over a thousand years before the wise men travel to Bethlehem, Ruth traveled to Bethlehem.  Both were foreigners.  Both came to worship the King of the Universe.  Both had no business being there.  Both were part of God’s divine plan.  Want to hear more?  Watch this week’s message taken from Ruth 4.

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Christmas Cards

I just love getting Christmas cards! It’s my once-a-year update from my family and friends. To many people Jesus is just like one of many Christmas cards. Throw him on the pile with the rest. Is he a nice guy? There are some people (like us) who actually worship him as God.

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Late Christmas Gift

A late Christmas gift can be perfect.  With so many families there are only twenty-four hours in the day.  Many families have to divide time between family and friends.  I remember growing up, that late Christmas gift was something to look forward too! Simeon saw Jesus, a late Christmas gift, and praised God for it.

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Rest for David

As Christmas creeps closer, don’t fall for the lies of an empty “holiday celebration”.  Your God was sacrificed that you my be redeemed.  David’s sin would be paid for.  Your sin is paid for.  There is rest for David.  There is rest for you in Jesus.

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