From Many One

God has made his Christian church one, but it sure doesn’t look that way! This Sunday we’ll see how God’s church is a powerful force for good in the world, but that isn’t the church’s main purpose. It is through the church that the world will meet Jesus.

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Big Changes

There are some BIG changes coming up in our worship this Sunday. God will be doing the heavy lifting in the hearts of people everywhere who hear his word.

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Two by Two

Two by two the disciples went out with message of salvation. They called people to repentance, to find forgiveness in Jesus. There were some very specific instructions to these first missionaries. This Sunday like the prophets of old, we looked at God’s plan for reaching out with his word.

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Welcome Home

Welcome Home! Jesus is Offensive.  That is such a liberating thought isn’t it? You don’t need to hold back your witness.

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Master Physician

This Sunday we had a chance to meet Jairus. This Synagogue Ruler who lived in Jesus day would’ve done anything to find help for his dying daughter. All he needed was Jesus, the Master Physician.

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Get In The Boat

The storm is raging all around and where is Jesus?  Asleep!?  How can he sleep at a time like this!  The disciples were at their wits end.  Do you ever wonder if Jesus waits for us to exhaust all other options until we have nowhere else to turn? 

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