In this sermon Jesus takes on common misunderstood areas of God’s law (myths) and busts them! He uses the phrases “you have heard it said…” “but I tell you…” repeatedly going through the law clarifying what was really meant.
United In Christ
We spend a lot of time talking about the differences and divisions that can arise in the church and in the home, but I wanted to take a little time to talk about how our church body seeks out like-minded Christians. This comes into the area of fellowship.
Grace and Peace
“Grace and peace to you!” I’ve said these words so many times in my life that when I’m testing a mic they replace – “testing, one, two, three, testing.” I start every sermon with these words too. When the Apostle Paul wrote “Grace and peace!” to the Christians in Corinth, was he just offering a cordial greeting? Or was he laying the stage for a powerful letter to God’s people full of God’s love and the new reality God’s people enjoy because of that love?
Powerful Act of God
When Jesus came to the Jordan River he was baptized by John the Baptist. John didn’t want to baptize him because he understood that this was God. John was the one who need to be washed by Jesus! In Jesus’ baptism God the Father thundered from heaven the approval of his Son. Jesus was anointed by the Spirit who descended in the form of a dove. It is in this way that Jesus was revealed to the world as the Messiah at the start of his public ministry. Watch as we study what Jesus’ baptism means for you!
Epiphany Sale
Did you see all the TV’s marked down on Monday for the holiday? I didn’t either! Isn’t it great! There is no commercial aspect to Epiphany. I suppose you are wondering what exactly is Epiphany. This Greek word means reveal. During the Epiphany season of the church year we look at how the world found out and still finds out that Jesus is God …that Jesus is the Savior of the world.