What does uncomfortable attention look like? This afternoon we will find out and offer a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

What does uncomfortable attention look like? This afternoon we will find out and offer a Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.
As Christmas creeps closer, don’t fall for the lies of an empty “holiday celebration”. Your God was sacrificed that you my be redeemed. David’s sin would be paid for. Your sin is paid for. There is rest for David. There is rest for you in Jesus.
Depression is usually more than just an emotional problem. It affects you physically, emotionally and spiritually. Depression can feel like you are trapped in your body and imprisoned in your mind. God has good news for you in your captivity. Today, on this 3rd Sunday in Advent we will hear that the Lord proclaims freedom.
“Take a load off,” is what I just told you. What does that phrase mean to you? Maybe, at least, sit down or take off your shoes. There is a load that so many people carry around all the time. It’s not a backpack full of books. The heavy load is anxiety or depression. Another heavy load can be a guilty conscience. It’s important to not confuse or associate those two things. People who struggle with anxiety and depression aren’t sinning. The comfort that our God offers in the first few verses of Isaiah 40 are powerful medicine.
A common misconception is that Christians don’t get depressed … or at least they shouldn’t get depressed. Saying depressions shouldn’t happen only serves to make God’s people – who already feel guilty and weak – even more guilty and weak. Christians do suffer from depression. The Lord has a message for you in your depression. The Lord removes your guilt. This Sunday marks the start of the Advent season, a time of preparation before our Christmas celebration.
Christ the King is the one who is in charge of everything. This can be difficult to see at times because his kingdom is not of this world. Even though this is true, it doesn’t mean that he has no control. Jesus controls all things for the good of his church. One day he will end this world and, finally, every knee will bow before the King of Kings.