What will heaven be like? Often we struggle to grasp the picture God lays out for us of our eternal home by his side. All we know is a sinful, fallen world. While I love the carpet of fallen leaves, in heaven we won’t see death ever again. This Sunday we’ll work through some of the details of our heavenly home.
Sun of Righteousness
The Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in its wings might not be a familiar picture, but to God’s Old Testament people, it was one that they looked forward to. That sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? Who wouldn’t want to see that every morning?
Fiery Furnace
A fiery furnace can be a persuasive factor in someone’s decisions making. In our text from Daniel 3 for the Festival of the Reformation, Rach, Shack, and Benny were faced with the choice to get burned alive or worship a false idol.
One in Christ – Finances
God has given us many things, family and friends might be at the top of that list of gifts. Our finances are a large part of how we relate to the world around us and worship our God. This Sunday we close out our annual stewardship focus – One in Christ – with a look at our finances.
One in Christ – Friends
Your friends are the family that you get to choose. Friends are a reflection of who we are. They are the company we choose to keep. This Sunday we continue our annual stewardship focus – One in Christ – with a look at our friends.
One in Christ – Family
The family is the basic building block of society. A family begins when God joins a man and a woman together in marriage. But what roll do children play in the life a family. We’ll spend some time with the kids and talk about how a child can help!
Well Seasoned Disciples
Everyone loves a well seasoned entrée prepared by a professional trained in the culinary arts. This Sunday we’ll see how Jesus prepares his people to be salty. Christians impact our world in powerful ways.
Hard To Be Humble
The first must be last. That sounds fine on paper, but I work really hard. Why should I take a back seat to someone less deserving than me?! How can we balance out being confident in the gifts God has given us and still give God all the glory? It’s hard to be humble.
Low Point
How heavy is your cross? Jesus calls us to pick up our cross and follow him. We’ll look at the ministry of the Prophet Jeremiah. If being thrown into a pit sounds bad, there is even something worse.
All Things Well
Jesus has done all things well. He doesn’t make accommodations for our sin and guilt, he paid for them when he died on the cross.
Soldiers of the Cross
Did you know that you are in a life and death struggle? Every day the devil attacks your soul with one temptation after another. This Sunday we looked at how our God protects us from these attacks. Put on the full armor of God.
The Only Bread of Life
The Bread of Life discourse from John 6 doesn’t end well to our eyes for Jesus. Many walk away. Jesus is the only way to heaven. Join us this Sunday as we close out the series of Gospel readings with a message – Only Jesus is the Bread of Life.
Come to the Banquet
Come to the banquet and eat! Wisdom is holding a banquet and you’re invited. This Sunday we’ll dig into the book of Proverbs to see how these words from Solomon can change your life.
Fixing the Broken
Get along! The Apostle Paul continues with his letter to the church in Ephesus. He lists off the dos and don’ts that reflects the Christian life, but we truly sets the Christian apart is the ability to forgive, quickly, freely, completely.
Manna From Heaven
Manna from heaven everyday. If you grew up in the wilderness for the first forty years of your life, you wouldn’t know anything different. Many people have tried to imagine what manna could have been had God chosen to use natural means.
From Many One
God has made his Christian church one, but it sure doesn’t look that way! This Sunday we’ll see how God’s church is a powerful force for good in the world, but that isn’t the church’s main purpose. It is through the church that the world will meet Jesus.
Big Changes
There are some BIG changes coming up in our worship this Sunday. God will be doing the heavy lifting in the hearts of people everywhere who hear his word.
Two by Two
Two by two the disciples went out with message of salvation. They called people to repentance, to find forgiveness in Jesus. There were some very specific instructions to these first missionaries. This Sunday like the prophets of old, we looked at God’s plan for reaching out with his word.
Welcome Home
Welcome Home! Jesus is Offensive. That is such a liberating thought isn’t it? You don’t need to hold back your witness.
Master Physician
This Sunday we had a chance to meet Jairus. This Synagogue Ruler who lived in Jesus day would’ve done anything to find help for his dying daughter. All he needed was Jesus, the Master Physician.